UGC Creator

Use A UGC Creator for Your Brand's Social Media Accounts
Marketing Directors and CEOs know the importance of the UGC creator pushing their products on the brand's social media accounts. The days of "influencer marketing" have changed. It is now about having authentic-looking social media on the brand's account, allowing that content to gather the brand followers as opposed to gathering followers for the influencer.
Grab an appointment with Brainiac to learn more about multifaceted Social Media Campaigns and how a mix of professional commercials and UGC creator content can help elevate your brand.
What is a UGC Creator?
A UGC Creator is someone who holds their cell phone and shoots footage of themselves in a way that appears to be User-Generated, or better put, made by everyday people.
This is an example of a creative UGC Creator ad.
These videos are authentic-looking social content because a large portion of the video is shot "selfie-style" by the UGC Creator. However, brands have found it is not as easy as asking a friend or regular UGC creator to make them content. These videos still need to work, and Brainiac helps create a hybrid between the type of content made by a regular person and an effective promo.
This is an example of a slick commercial for the same brand.
Brainiac writes, directs, and casts the perfect UGC Creator for your brand
According to Pew Research Center roughly one-third of US adults use TikTok. 41.9% of US adults use instagram and according to social shepard 68% of US adults use Facebook. Social media is now town square. And often at the center of any effective marketing strategy. Yet it takes more than just serving them advertisements that they see on broadcast networks, as they will skip them, swipe past them, or simply not even notice them despite looking straight at them .
You need methods to cut thrugh the noise. With millions of posts flooding platforms every day, standing out requires creativity, authentic content, and, most importantly, engagement. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is by bringing in a producer and UGC Creator.
These talented individuals specialize in producing user-generated content (UGC) that resonates with your audience, builds trust, and drives engagement.
We take keywords that are featured on like-minded content and are used when people are looking up topics related to your brand. Using SEO software, we verify which words have the best chances of helping you be organically discovered, sometimes plugging those words into the screenplay itself. Next, we cast the right actors and direct the shoot. Using a combination of UGC Creator-style footage and professional footage or graphics, we then add the video to your spreadsheet/schedule.
At each stage, many details are necessary to consider in order to give your social media videos the best chances. Each video has a different purpose, and it takes serious redundancy to achieve any of your goals.
Five UGC videos ordered off of Fiverr are not going to build you a social media following. Releasing 3-7 videos per week is oftentimes what it takes, and the most affordable way to do this is to have Brainiac hire a multitude of actors to promote your brand/product, writing, directing, and optimizing the videos to cover each of the necessary goals.
Why a UGC Creator Is Essential for Your Brand’s Social Media Strategy
In part, it's because people "swipe past" advertisements on vertical apps and hit "skip video" on places like YouTube. Brainiac knows how to create a "UGC feel" while still landing on a promotional feel. This delicate balance allows brands to a) Expand their visibility through entertainment b) gather followers due to the entertaining or informative content c) easily retarget those followers with videos that are meant to promote sales or conversions.
How Brainiac Video Handles the Entire UGC Creation Process
1. Casting the Right UGC Creator
Brainiac looks at your target market and writes the videos with that market in mind, casting naturalistic actors who also have fantastic comic timing and style.
2. Creating Videos That Drive Engagement
Videos that ask questions, push to challenge and give information that creates a discussion. Videos that make people laugh or entertainment. These are the sorts of videos that drive engagement. And driving engagement between you and your audience is key prior to believing that they will notice your typical advertisement. Brainiac gives you the perfect mix of entertainment and informative videos combined with videos aimed at conversions.
3. Optimizing Content for Maximum Reach
Brainiac has optimization in mind before the video is even shot, doing keyword research based on the messaging statements the client proposes. Optimization is built into not just the hashtag and description strategy, but also the scripts itself. The other way to optimize content is a strong release schedule strategy.
This is more complex than looking at "when your viewers are online", because algorithms are only delivering to a certain percentage of your viewers anyway, and beyond that, do you only want to go after people already familiar with your brand? Brainiac looks at your target audience., does research on what days and times of days they are most likely to engage and what days they are most likely to buy, that particular product. This is all factored into the UGC Content Creator Strategy.
Why Content Shot Partially on Cellphones Performs Better
Modern consumers pay attention to real content made by real people. The polished, highly edited videos of traditional advertising are not what people are after when they are swiping.
Oftentimes, they are watching a polished show on TV while communicating on their social media apps. it's because people want to both be entertained while having communications and friendships with real people. Brainiac helps your brand communicate in both ways, shooting professional content and cool social videos, on the same day, maximizing both your budget and reach.
How much social media content does a brand need?
A good mix is between three to five videos released each week, along with one solid commercial released every four to six weeks.
Mixing it up:
Commercials should be shot on cinematic cameras with high-end production value yet they can often feature the same actors as your UGC Creator Content. The social video content should be shot on cellphones, yet when selling products, using a combination of cellphone footage and pro footage is known to help "avoid the swipe" while creating trust in the quality of the product.
Remember, production value helps the viewer decide if the product is of value. So a slick commercial on YouTube and on your product pages should always accompany social media campaigns. Brainiac delivers social media packages for Brands, Products, and Services that allow you to release up to 31 pieces of content on all platforms per month as well as constantly refreshing your YouTube, Landing Pages and TV ads. Grab a Zoom consultation with Brainiac today.